Choosing Love in Relationships

Love- Recovery Word of the Week

love relationships drug rehab

As I explore the relationships and connections in recovery, I’m beginning to look within myself and see what blocks me my full expression of love. Often times I open or close my heart depending on how I’m treated, how I feel about myself, or how my life is going at the moment. I’m learning to be more encouraging and forgiving, not only with others, but also with myself. I can’t develop, maintain, and nurture relationships if I’m being critical and not encouraging or forgiving.

If I want loving relationships in my life, I must stand open and honest, even when there is tension or disagreements.

Today, I choose to be more understanding and to put more effort into my relationships because they are worth it to me. I will choose to work through any problems that may arise and to encourage and support rather than criticize, because I want more love in my life.


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