The South Orange County Detox and Treatment Difference
If you’ve stumbled upon this blog post, chances are you’ve either been through detox and treatment or helped send a loved one through a facility for the help they so desperately needed. There are a lot of great facilities who do fantastic work, however, if you’ve never engaged in detox before, or if treatment hasn’t worked for you up to this point, there’s a good possibility that you’re going to need something that is custom to your specific needs, and that pushes you in the direction required for real and lasting change. Here at South Orange County Detox and Treatment we understand the gravity of getting someone who mustered the courage to take this first step through this initial stage, and the necessity of getting them to the real meat and potatoes of the process, treatment. The catch all term, “treatment”, seems to me to be almost deliberately vague and general because, let’s be honest, in today’s climate of Addiction Treatment, facilities have the ability to get away with providing minimal therapeutic services, behavioral interventions, and preparation for reintegration into life without the need for substances.
Individualized Treatment
Here at South Orange County Detox and Treatment, Salina Shuler, our President and Visionary behind the methods utilized (that all of us take so much pride in) has created a personal, and individualized system whereby clients are given the guidance, direction, and counseling they need, regardless if they want it or not. Yes, you read that right, regardless of whether or not they want it. While in active addiction or early in Addiction Treatment, addict’s generally don’t know what they want, and often times if they do, it isn’t what is ultimately best for their recovery. A past client once said, during an extremely trying point of her treatment,
“You know why I love what Salina does? Instead of telling me directly what I need to do, she guides me down a path where I discover it for myself.”
While so simply put, she touched on one of the many gifts that Salina possesses which is to see the true potential in every addict, and to shine a light on the road to recovery that is specific to them.
Finding Hope/ Identifying Gifts
With the help of the other members of South Orange County Detox and Treatment staff, each person’s individuality is recognized and respected, and everyone’s often hidden gifts have the opportunity to be revealed. There are several facets of any good detox that cannot be sacrificed. At a fundamental level, detox must provide a safe and comfortable detox with proper assessment and medication regimen. Anyone who has kicked drugs and/or alcohol before knows that if these basic services are not provided, the chances of getting through this otherwise miserable experience is slim to none. If a client leaves before physical detoxification is complete, the opportunity to strike while the iron is hot, and find healing in the individual who was ready to transform is then lost. Because no two people experience the same withdrawal symptoms, it is often necessary for follow up evaluations which address symptoms that may erupt at any given time. A one-size-fits-all approach to medication in this regard is an antiquated, and quite frankly, harsh methodology when confronting such a delicate process.
Family Support
Another primary facet that facilitates so much hope and growth at South Orange County Detox and Treatment is the work done to help support the family. I’ve had the pleasure of helping conduct family meetings with Salina over the years, and as those who have experienced these with her can attest, it is truly a remarkable and transformative experience. Because addiction can be in part fueled by unhealthy dynamics, but also partially healed though the understanding of them, this work is another key component of what makes us different. As a family liaison, I can say confidently that although this mode of treatment is generally met with initial trepidation, it is followed consistently with excitement, gratitude, and most importantly, hope. Hope for their loved one’s future, and hope for the beginning of a new and healthy family system.