Compassion in Addiction Recovery
In my active drug addiction it was all about me. There were so many things that I lacked such as empathy, sympathy, values, morals, and the list goes on. I was possessed by something I couldn’t control, addiction. I’ve walked right past people who were suffering and wouldn’t blink twice.

Compassion – To identify with strong feelings of suffering. Sounds simple enough, right? But what happens when you don’t even have compassion for yourself? Can you really be compassionate with others? What if you’re confusing self-pity with self-compassion?

Finding a Greater Understanding
I’m coming to a greater understanding of how integrated serenity, compassion, and awareness. The toxic trait of selfishness that had been so prevalent during my addiction is something that must be quelled. Obviously, I have many areas to improve on and will have times where I might forget compassion.