Cocaine detox.
About cocaine.
Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant made from the leaves of the coca plant. Cocaine comes in the form of white powder but can be altered using additional chemicals to make crack cocaine. Cocaine in both forms, are highly addictive. Cocaine increases levels of the natural chemical dopamine inside the brain. The euphoria caused by an increase level of dopamine reinforces the continued use of Cocaine. Those under the influence of cocaine may experience short term effects include but are not limited to:
Extreme Happiness
Increased Amount of Energy
Mental Alertness
Hypersensitivity to Light and Sound
Constricted Blood Vessels
Heart palpitations
Cocaine's effects appear almost immediately and disappear within a short period of time. The effects of Cocaine are dependent on the method of use. Injecting or smoking Cocaine produces a quicker and stronger but shorter lasting high than snorting
Cocaine detox.
While withdrawal symptoms from certain substances like alcohol and benzodiazepines can introduce severe physical withdrawal symptoms, cocaine detox has many psychological withdrawal symptoms. Those who have become both physically and psychologically dependent upon cocaine are likely to experience cocaine withdrawal symptoms once discontinuing use. The severity of the symptoms experienced often depend on the frequency, duration, and amount of cocaine being used. Withdrawal symptoms may include but are not limited to:
Withdrawal Symptoms
Decreased Appetite
Increased Appetite
Difficulty Concentrating
Severe cravings
Slowed Thinking
Severe depression or dysphoria
Suicidal Thoughts
Cocaine has a very short half-life, and withdrawal symptoms may start as soon as 90-minutes after the last use and usually persist for 7-10 days. Stopping cocaine abruptly after periods of extended use may cause severe depression and mood swings, therefore it’s recommended for detoxification to occur in a professional detox center with 24-hour supervision and monitoring to provide a safe environment, especially if a person has relapsed after past detox attempts.
South Orange County Detox and Treatment offers medically assisted cocaine detoxification to ensure the most comfortable cocaine detox possible. We provide high-level 24/7 monitoring by highly trained staff for the safety and comfort during the duration of cocaine detox. Our primary goal is to meticulously ensure your safety and comfort in the cocaine detox available.