Disguise of Hypocrisy
Has its prevalence inhibited my growth and relationships? Has it been one of the primary factors in preventing wholeness? These are some questions I’ve been asking myself in an effort to better understand why I haven’t been able to succeed. There are many times when I just don’t care to be real, to be myself, and this has lasting unintended consequences.

My Life Preserver
Swimming through a sea of pain and anger, slowly suffocating while gasping for each breath. Going in and out of courts and jail, losing all whom I cared about. I felt as if each breath could be my last when a life preserver was thrown to me. All I had to do was reach and grab it. It wouldn’t be easy, but I could do it.

Finding Love in Recovery
Emotions in sobriety can be very overwhelming, love being no exception. For so many years in active addiction I used love as a form of manipulation. Personally, for me, it was almost as if I had to re-learn how to love all over again. I had to learn how to love my family with no ulterior motives.