Resentments- The Key Offender in Addiction

resentments drug rehab orange county

“Resentments are the key offender” is what has been told to me throughout my time in treatment. I never put much thought into my resentments and how much they affect me.  I either hold onto resentments until I explode on the person or use over them or I try to shove them down and forget about them all together. There’s no in between. Before addiction treatment I just thought I was an angry person who liked to get high. But after some time of clarity and guidance, I can now see that a lot of my resentments and hidden feelings that didn’t communicate have contributed to my drug use. Even though I am now aware of the negative impact resentments have on me, I still struggle with communicating them in a healthy way. Even though I am clean and sober there are still many things about myself I need to work on if I want to continue to stay clean and sober.


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