Feelings of Disappointment & Anger
Resentments truly are the number one key offender. For myself, it is easier to place blame on others rather than accept responsibility for my part in things, especially when my character defects and ego begin to take over.

Harboring Resentments
We addicts often hold onto resentments. I once heard that harboring resentments is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. In A.A. they say resentments are the number one offender, meaning they are the leading cause of use or relapse among addicts and alcoholics.

Blinding Resentments
Resentments are the key offender in relapse by most of us who suffer from substance abuse. They are the strongest hook’s that anchors us to our addiction. The more I perceive that I have been treated wrongly, unfairly, and unjust, the more I drift toward using to cope with this pain I have manifested through my perception.