Step 9- Making Amends

making amends step 9

Amends are something we all have to make at some point in our lives. While I was drinking amends were not a part of my daily life. Step 9 teaches us that we must make amends for the wrongs we have caused in other’s lives. It does not matter if they accept your apology, what matters is that you clean up your side of the street. For example, when I was drinking, I was verbally abusive to many different individuals. Now I have to take ownership of what I have done and make amends, saying “I’m sorry” if my words harmed them while I was under the influence of alcohol. The process of making amends is a continual part of life. It will help me grow as a person by making these amends to the people I have caused harm to throughout my life. I know that after I complete the 9th Step, the promises will start to come true in my life. It will be difficult to do but it will help me continue to grow as a person in my journey throughout life.


Healthy Relationships


Managing My Emotions